DOC2AMU est un programme doctoral innovant permettant de financer 30 contrats doctoraux d’une durée de 3 ans chacun pendant les 5 années du programme. Il est basé sur des principes
d’interdisciplinarité, d’intersectorialité et d’ouverture internationale (« 3I »). Il s’agit d’un projet H2020 COFUND MSCA cofinancé par la Commission Européenne et par le Conseil Régional Provence-
Alpes-Côte d’Azur, avec un soutien financier de la fondation A*MIDEX. Parmi les appels, un en particulier portant sur l’expérience exilique et la reconfiguration de l’absence en situation d’exil retient notre attention :
A typology of contemporary exile narrations
Is it possible to envision a representation of the exilic experience which could be broad enough to include the contemporary diversity of migratory fates and situations, and relevant enough to consider each individual exiled person? In a context of displacements more and more increased by political violence and economic misery in Africa and the Middle-East, the figure of the “exile” (the exiled person), relayed everywhere through mass media, is gaining more and more importance in our lives, our imaginary constructions, and our relation to the Other. That is why, within the fields of migration studies and exile studies, it seems necessary to paint a portrait of the exile (Nouss, 2015) in order to test its validity in today’s contexts. The difficulty lies in conciliating individual aspects of migrants’ lives with the common features of the exilic condition which those individuals share. Such a portrait should also stress the dialectical link between personal memory and collective memory for migrants as well as for host societies. Where do those memories come from, and how do they affect the exilic identity (Ryan et alia, 2015)?
Based on such observations, the research aims at offering a better understanding of the exilic condition today. In order to reach this goal, the research hypothesis states the existence of a series of mythemes about exile. An initial analysis grid, based on cultural topoi as enunciated in contemporary literary production (see below List A), will help to identify them, so as to observe how they link together, respond to or contradict each other. Thus, the research claims to identify an exilic memory, in other words a group of patterns of exile that function like markers for individual as well as collective memory and that inspire public discourses and perceptions (Creet and Kitzmann, 2010).
The corpus will gather texts written in at least three languages, according to a comparativist approach. It will be composed of testimonies from persons who experienced exile during the 10 passed years, provided by different networks1 which host such narratives (see below List B). This “living memory” should bring about new rhetorical motives, related to the specific displacements between Africa, Middle-East and Europe which are occurring nowadays.
The results gained from such an investigation combining and contrasting perspectives from sociology and from literary theory should show an evolution of the figure of the exile from the legendary destiny of great characters, in a romantic vision that can be observed until the first half of the 20th century, to an anonymous and common life, supporting the idea of an ordinary hero. Contemporary migrant lives are prepared to slide out of history into oblivion (Ricoeur, 2000) and yet they hold their own narrations likely to sustain a better understanding of today’s exilic experience and situation.
texte de l’appel : NUSELOVICI. A typology of exile narrations.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Constance De Gourcy (9 mai 2016). A Typology of contemporary exile narrations. Appel à projet de thèse. CRISALIDE. Consulté le 6 décembre 2024 à l’adresse